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/ Igromania 2005 July / Igromania_2005-07.iso / Soft / !Standard / Klite / klmcodec132.exe / {app} / tools / fixcodecs.exe / install_script.iss
Text File  |  2005-05-30  |  9KB  |  107 lines

  1. ;InnoSetupVersion=5.1.2
  3. [Setup]
  4. AppName=Codec Tweak Tool
  5. AppVerName=Codec Tweak Tool
  6. AppId=KLiteCodecPack
  7. AppVersion=1.0
  8. CreateAppDir=no
  9. OutputBaseFilename=fixcodecs
  10. Compression=none
  11. Uninstallable=no
  12. PrivilegesRequired=none
  13. DisableDirPage=yes
  14. DisableProgramGroupPage=yes
  15. AllowNoIcons=yes
  16. WizardImageFile=embedded\WizardImage0.bmp
  17. WizardSmallImageFile=embedded\WizardSmallImage0.bmp
  19. [Files]
  20. Source: "{tmp}\vidccleaner.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Components: fix\vidc; Flags: deleteafterinstall 
  22. [Registry]
  23. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\3ivx"; ValueName: "3ivx Media Splitter Props"; ValueType: Binary; ValueData: "01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 D4 56 E4 3F 00 00 00 00"; Components: fix\3ivx; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  24. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\3ivx"; ValueName: "3ivx Video Decoder Props"; ValueType: Binary; ValueData: "04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 02 00 00 00 51 59 E4 3F 00 00 00 00"; Components: fix\3ivx; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  25. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Ligos\LSX-MPEG Player"; ValueName: "MPEG2Only"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$0"; Components: fix\ligos; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  26. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Ligos\LSX-MPEG Player"; ValueName: "LIGOSSplitterOnly"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$0"; Components: fix\ligos; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  27. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\AC3filter\preset\_default"; ValueName: "auto_gain"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$0"; Components: settings\ac3boost; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  28. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\AC3filter\preset\_default"; ValueName: "normalize"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$0"; Components: settings\ac3boost; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  29. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\AC3filter\preset\_default"; ValueName: "normalize_matrix"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$1"; Components: settings\ac3boost; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  30. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\AC3filter\preset\_default"; ValueName: "master"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "3.162278"; Components: settings\ac3boost; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  31. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\AC3filter\preset\_default"; ValueName: "voice_control"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$1"; Components: settings\ac3boost; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  32. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\AC3filter\preset\_default"; ValueName: "clev_lock"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$0"; Components: settings\ac3boost; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  33. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\AC3filter\preset\_default"; ValueName: "clev"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "3.162278"; Components: settings\ac3boost; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  34. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\AC3filter\preset\_default"; ValueName: "dynrng"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$0"; Components: settings\ac3boost; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  35. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32"; ValueName: "aux"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "wdmaud.drv"; Components: fix\systemsound; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist 
  36. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32"; ValueName: "wdmaud.drv"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "wdmaud.drv"; Components: fix\systemsound; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist 
  37. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32"; ValueName: "midimapper"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "midimap.dll"; Components: fix\systemsound; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist 
  38. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32"; ValueName: "wavemapper"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "msacm32.drv"; Components: fix\systemsound; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist 
  39. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32"; ValueName: "midi"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "wdmaud.drv"; Components: fix\systemsound; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist 
  40. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32"; ValueName: "wave"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "wdmaud.drv"; Components: fix\systemsound; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist 
  41. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32"; ValueName: "mixer"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "wdmaud.drv"; Components: fix\systemsound; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist 
  42. Root: HKCR; Subkey: "CLSID\{{F07E245F-5A1F-4D1E-8BFF-DC31D84A55AB}\Defaults"; ValueName: "ShowTrayIcon"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$1"; Components: cm_kl\enable\oggtobias; 
  43. Root: HKCR; Subkey: "CLSID\{{F07E245F-5A1F-4D1E-8BFF-DC31D84A55AB}\Defaults"; ValueName: "AlwaysEnableAllStreams"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$1"; Components: settings\oggeas\enable; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  44. Root: HKCR; Subkey: "CLSID\{{F07E245F-5A1F-4D1E-8BFF-DC31D84A55AB}\Defaults"; ValueName: "AlwaysEnableAllStreams"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$0"; Components: settings\oggeas\disable; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  45. Root: HKCR; Subkey: "CLSID\{{F07E245F-5A1F-4D1E-8BFF-DC31D84A55AB}\Defaults"; ValueName: "ShowTrayIcon"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$1"; Components: settings\oggtray\enable; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  46. Root: HKCR; Subkey: "CLSID\{{F07E245F-5A1F-4D1E-8BFF-DC31D84A55AB}\Defaults"; ValueName: "ShowTrayIcon"; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: "$0"; Components: settings\oggtray\disable; Flags: dontcreatekey 
  48. [Run]
  49. Filename: "{tmp}\vidccleaner.exe"; Components: fix\vidc; 
  51. [Components]
  52. Name: "note"; Description: "Note: Some options have been hidden. These options are only available for powerusers and administrators."; Check: "noAccess()"; 
  53. Name: "fix"; Description: "*** Fixes ***"; 
  54. Name: "fix\3ivx"; Description: "Prevent 3ivX from decoding XviD content"; 
  55. Name: "fix\ligos"; Description: "Allow Ligos MPEG-2 decoder to connect to all MPEG-2 splitters"; 
  56. Name: "fix\vidc"; Description: "Remove empty VIDC entries from the registry"; Check: "isPowerUser()"; 
  57. Name: "fix\systemsound"; Description: "Fix non-working system sound"; Check: "isPowerUser()"; 
  58. Name: "settings"; Description: "*** Settings ***"; 
  59. Name: "settings\ac3boost"; Description: "[AC3Filter]  Boost AC3 volume"; 
  60. Name: "settings\oggeas"; Description: "[Ogg splitter]  Always enable all streams:"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 2)"; 
  61. Name: "settings\oggeas\enable"; Description: "Yes"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 2)"; 
  62. Name: "settings\oggeas\disable"; Description: "No"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 2)"; 
  63. Name: "settings\oggtray"; Description: "[Ogg splitter]  Show TrayIcon:"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 2)"; 
  64. Name: "settings\oggtray\enable"; Description: "Yes"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 2)"; 
  65. Name: "settings\oggtray\disable"; Description: "No"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 2)"; 
  66. Name: "cm_kl"; Description: "*** Codec Management  [K-Lite Codec Pack] ***"; Check: "show_CMKL"; 
  67. Name: "cm_kl\enable"; Description: "Enable the following codecs/filters:"; Check: "show_CMKL_Enable"; 
  68. Name: "cm_kl\enable\oggtobias"; Description: "Ogg splitter (made by Tobias)"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 1)"; 
  69. Name: "cm_kl\enable\ogggabest"; Description: "Ogg splitter (made by Gabest)"; Check: "isState('ogggabest', 1)"; 
  70. Name: "cm_kl\enable\vsfilter"; Description: "DirectVobSub"; Check: "isState('vsfilter', 1)"; 
  71. Name: "cm_kl\enable\dcdsp"; Description: "DC-DSP"; Check: "isState('dcdsp', 1)"; 
  72. Name: "cm_kl\enable\ffdshow"; Description: "ffdshow"; Check: "isState('ffdshow', 1)"; 
  73. Name: "cm_kl\disable"; Description: "Disable the following codecs/filters:"; Check: "show_CMKL_Disable"; 
  74. Name: "cm_kl\disable\oggtobias"; Description: "Ogg splitter (made by Tobias)"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 2)"; 
  75. Name: "cm_kl\disable\ogggabest"; Description: "Ogg splitter (made by Gabest)"; Check: "isState('ogggabest', 2)"; 
  76. Name: "cm_kl\disable\vsfilter"; Description: "DirectVobSub"; Check: "isState('vsfilter', 2)"; 
  77. Name: "cm_kl\disable\dcdsp"; Description: "DC-DSP"; Check: "isState('dcdsp', 2)"; 
  78. Name: "cm_kl\disable\ffdshow"; Description: "ffdshow"; Check: "isState('ffdshow', 2)"; 
  79. Name: "cm_other"; Description: "*** Codec Management  [Other codecs] ***"; Check: "show_CMO"; 
  80. Name: "cm_other\disable"; Description: "Disable the following codecs/filters:"; Check: "show_CMO"; 
  81. Name: "cm_other\disable\oggtobias"; Description: "Ogg splitter (made by Tobias)"; Check: "isState('oggtobias', 3)"; 
  82. Name: "cm_other\disable\ogggabest"; Description: "Ogg splitter (made by Gabest)"; Check: "isState('ogggabest', 3)"; 
  83. Name: "cm_other\disable\vsfilter"; Description: "DirectVobSub"; Check: "isState('vsfilter', 3)"; 
  84. Name: "cm_other\disable\dcdsp"; Description: "DC-DSP"; Check: "isState('dcdsp', 3)"; 
  85. Name: "cm_other\disable\ffdshow"; Description: "ffdshow"; Check: "isState('ffdshow', 3)"; 
  86. Name: "cm_other\disable\g400"; Description: "G400 filter"; Check: "isState('g400', 3)"; 
  87. Name: "cm_other\disable\ivideo"; Description: "InterVideo MPEG-4 Decoder"; Check: "isState('ivideo', 3)"; 
  89. [Types]
  90. Name: "normal"; Description: "Normal"; 
  92. [CustomMessages]
  93. en.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
  94. en.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:
  95. en.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon
  96. en.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
  97. en.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
  98. en.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
  99. en.LaunchProgram=Launch %1
  100. en.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
  101. en.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
  103. [Languages]
  104. ; These files are stubs
  105. ; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files
  106. Name: "en"; MessagesFile: "embedded\en.isl"; 